
A new high-performance tandem from Axis is designed mainly for long XC-flights.


Development was based on our experience with former tandem projects (Vega Duo, Vega 3 T, Venus 3 T). We also put emphasis on good maneuverability and easy piloting, while maintaining a high level of safety (EN-C). Using one of the first produced pieces, the Slovak pilot Miro Matovic made a new world record in the target flight with a return of 224 km, details here:


While designing and constructing Axis Vega XCT we also took advantage of the new knowledge and experience from the development of our latest EN-C and EN-D gliders (the glider has a new profile, equipped with a shark nose, the leading edge is stabilized by a double rod reinforcement, the steering is equipped with a so-called V-slip-knot which reduces forces in steering commands …). At the same time we used new materials, which helped us to reduce weight of the glider. The bottom surface of the canopy and non-load-bearing ribs are made of lightweight Skytex 32g / m2, load-bearing ribs are made of approved Skytex 40 and Skytex 38 is used for upper surface of canopy. The main lines are made of unsheeted aramid and dynema materials with diameters 0.9 mm to 3 mm. The risers are made of 20mm webbing and are equipped with trimmers.


The new feature/option is the possibility to produce this glider in ZIPPER version, i.e. the glider is equipped with a special zipper in the center of the canopy, which enables reduction the area by approx. 3m2 allowing trouble-free flights with a lighter passenger, without the need to load up in strong thermal conditions.

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